FREE Download:
2024 Chef Insights Survey

What's on the minds of chefs right now?
What do suppliers need to know?

Learn from our annual survey of chefs in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, including:

  • What chefs want from suppliers
  • Top challenges faced by restaurants in 2024
  • Insights on local sourcing, sustainability and managing food waste
  • How chefs stay on top of food trends

About the survey

We sought to uncover chefs’ biggest challenges and how suppliers can support them. We also identified emerging culinary trends, as we did in last year’s report.

The 2024 survey covered:

  • Thousands of chefs, including Fresho users and non-users
  • All kinds of establishments, from formal and casual restaurants, to cafes, bars and institutions
  • Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland and New Zealand

Get your free copy now!